
Pony Sweat Aerobics is a fiercely noncompetitive dance aerobics practice. We celebrate anti-perfectionism and freedom of movement.

How to take a class


Across Time + Space

Check out Pony Sweat’s video subscription of artful aerobics vids, online class containers, newsletters, and special transmissions that express our movement practice in a multitude ways!

Come to our in-person or livestream classes.

We have in-person (Los Angeles, CA) and livestream classes! We build a container for ourselves and for each other to do this aerobics ritual across physical and digital space. We connect to strengthen ourselves and our pony community!


Rent a vid

We offer different videos for rent: livestream class recordings, our 30 min Pony Vid that we make special once a month, and more!

Subscribe to our newsletter!

Read upcoming news, get codes, and feel special transmissions <3

Pony News

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